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Email Content and Frequency: What to Send and How Often to Send to Your Email List

Your email list is built out and you're ready to start sending emails to your subscribers. You're staring at the screen, fingers ready to type, but nothing is coming out. What should you send to my list? How often should I email them?

If you're asking these questions, don't worry, you're not alone. Many people struggle with what to send and how often to send emails to their list. Even though there are no concrete answers to these questions, it's not as hard as you think to determine the content and frequency of your emails.

In this article, we will discuss some strategies for generating content for your email subscribers as well as how often you should email them.

Email Content: What to Send Your Email List

Email content is probably the number 1 struggle that most people face when it comes to working their email list. Most people will sit at the computer dealing with writer's block, but it doesn't have to be this way.

Good email content is relevant, easy to read, and valuable for your audience.


Relevance is integral to good email content. You may find that your readers love the topic of your blog, but they're not interested in getting daily emails about it. If they're not interested, they most likely won't click on the links in your email or read more than one. Make the content relevant to the experiences and struggles that are unique to your audience.

Easy To Read

Good email content is easy to read. This means that it should be in a format that can easily fit into your busy subscriber's schedule and on the device that they read their email. If you typically send your emails on Monday morning, make sure to send an easy-to-read email then. Also, think about using a format that will be easy to read on their mobile device. For example, use short paragraphs and large font sizes.


Your email subscribers lead busy lives, and if you want your audience to give up their time and attention to read your emails, your emails need to be of value to them. People will look forward to reading your emails if they feel your content will help them solve problems they face or achieve the goals they are striving towards.

Types of Emails to Send to Your List

● Favorite things: Send a list of tools, books, podcasts, blogs, etc., that your audience would find useful.

● Content share: Send a teaser email that entices your audience to dive deeper into the content you've written that would be useful to them.

● Get to know: Ask questions of your audience and tell them to respond. You will learn more about your market, helping you to write future email content.

Email Frequency: How Often to Email Your List

When determining how often to email your list, the 2 most important tips are to be consistent and email your audience when they are likely to read it.


Make no mistake, this is the most critical aspect when determining email frequency. It doesn't matter if you start out delivering your emails at 3AM every 2nd Tuesday of the month or every week at 4PM, pick a day and time that you can commit to for at least 1-3 months and start sending emails.

You can segment your list and A/B test different delivery times later, focusing on consistency will give your readers the opportunity to look forward to your emails.

Daily and weekly are usually the best frequencies to start with, but only commit to what you can commit to consistently deliver on.

Time of Day and Week

There are a couple of factors to consider when deciding on the best time to deliver your emails. When is your audience most likely to open their email? What day works best for you as an individual or business? For example, if you're an eCommerce store owner, think about when your audience is most likely to shop online. This will be different for everyone. If you're a food blogger it might be Friday night or Sunday afternoon. Then think about what day of the week works best for you. Are you more likely to have time to write your newsletter on Sunday or Thursday?

Just Send the Email!

When you're getting started, don't worry too much about what and often to email your list. Start sending to your list on a regular basis and get some engagement from your audience.

Once you have some data behind you, you can start testing and making changes based on how your audience reacts.

Sending something is better than staring at a computer screen wondering what you should send your email list.

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